Hey everyone, looks like it is time to sit back and enjoy summer. It felt like it would never get here. Sadly I only had a couple weeks to rest my brain because I started summer classes today. Summer classes at State are split up into 2 semesters, and they go by really really quick. I'm only taking one class this semester 4 days a week, but I'm taking 2 the second semester. During the second session I have a class that goes from 6pm-10:50... Not looking forward to that one.
I successfully completed my first overnight shift at Speedway (11pm-8am). There were a few characters, most notably an extremely intoxicated man that could barely take his wallet out to buy cigarettes (5am) I had to count his money for him. At least he donated all of his change to Children's Miracle Network because he said he would just lose it. Speedway is also giving everyone in my store a fleece jacket because we sold the most cookies in our district... So yeah, pretty awesome. Now I can just donate my NorthFace to charity, or Jeff...
The Ruckus is running good, and it's a real head-turner when I'm on it. I parked it outside a gas station today and some guy came in and said he tripped over it, broke his ankle and was going to sue me. The man was missing all of his front teeth and had a ponytail... We ended up chatting about mopeds for a couple minutes, and after he dropped 6-10 F-bombs about other drivers cutting him off when he was on his I quickly gave him the "Well, see ya," and politely left. Nice guy.
Hey, Ben! Sounds like you're having a busy summer between your class and Speedway - wow, you really meet some characters there, I'm sure. Stay safe! Hope to see you sometime soon. Love, Aunt Jean